In the office


  • Meetings
  • Collaboration
  • Project Management


Fed up with notetaking rather than participating?

Recording what is said and using transcription to make a permanent referenceable record of what was discussed and actions agreed upon, you free up notetakers so they can to participate, and avoid misunderstanding or memory lapses down the line.

content creation


  • Interviews
  • Conferences
  • Events


From blogs to broadcast, periodicals, promotion and podcasts, people provide the core of the content. 

Accurate interview transcripts lie at the heart of the writing and production process.

In Production


  • Storyboarding
  • Editing
  • Captioning


Transcripts are an essential pre-production resource.

They are a necessity for shaping and telling the story and are essential for editing copy, video or audio.  Post-production they can inspire promotional material, as well as forming the basis of captioning and content access.


For staff development


  • Team Building
  • Training  
  • Professional Development


Making the most of people is central to the success of any organisation.

Training and personal development is crucial to this. By recording  occasions where staff receive such guidance and support, or have observations made on their practice, a transcript can then be provided to help with the application of what is learned and reflection on their role.

The rough with the smooth


  • Disciplinaries
  • Grievancies
  • Tribunals


Things don’t always go smoothly. 

Problems crop up, grievances can occur and staff may not be engaging effectively with the goals set out in company or organisational plans. Fairness is imperative in such situations for all parties involved. Recording such meetings and providing transcripts of what was said means bias is avoided and veracity obtained which supports outcomes and solutions that are later agreed. Outsourcing this work also increases confidentiality due to limiting the circulation of information about these issues within the organisation.


Please see our confidentiality statement regarding this area of HR and/or tribunal work

For brand research & marketing


  • Focus Groups
  • Research Interviews
  • Product Evaluation


What do your customers and/or clients think of you and what you do?

Finding out how products or services are perceived helps you look behind the sales and find out how to keep the good stuff fresh, where to take new ideas, or discover why something isn't working.  Transcripts of focus groups and interviews give you material to interrogate to improve what you do and make progress with new ideas.

for keeping your hands free


  • Surveying
  • Lab and Field Work
  • Inventory and Stocktacking


Soggy notepads, dusty clipboards, unhygienic pens?

Whether working on site, down the warehouse, at a lab bench or in the field, audio recording notes and then getting them transcribed means you can get on with the job and reportwriting becomes, if not a pleasure, far less onerous.
